The Radix Independent PR Summit agenda is a mix of content and activities. In addition to peer-to-peer sessions, outside experts are brought in to espouse on topics that impact our business.
One I’m especially excited for is a late morning session with Nick Ruffini, a successful musician, podcaster, and co-founder of Revoice Media, an entertainment media company that produces podcasts and original audio content.

Nick is an accomplished professional drummer who spent time touring around the world and, in 2013, recognized an opportunity to provide value for drummers and launched Drummer’s Resource, a podcast and online community where he provides weekly interviews with the world’s greatest drummers and music industry professionals.
Drummer’s Resource has grown to one of the largest drumming podcasts in the world, boasting hundreds of thousands of downloads per month and 450+ episodes to date.
Podcasting, as we all can see, is having a moment and it’s one that’s not going away anytime soon. This is going to turn into a shiny communications toy that every client will start to ask about. Such as with maintaining social media and blogs/content programs, podcasting is not something to enter into quickly.
Nick will walk us through what it takes to get a podcast up and running and help us understand what it takes to keep it going and make it successful. We’ll look at when it doesn’t make sense, how to handle discovery for adoption, and formats and styles.
Another very important discussion point is around the emerging “audio strategy” that Nick believes every company needs to start thinking about. This is planning for a world of smart speakers and voice commands and prompts in exchange for content.
Audio strategy will most certainly fall into the camp of PR and Communications and it’s important we start talking about it now.
Don’t miss it! Get your ticket and enter GA20 for 20% off the ticket price.